This is a great idea, thanks mommies! Am moving house in the next few weeks and feeling v inspired to try something similar in the new place. I know there are a few random things from abandoned southeast Asian-inspired meals in there, so there could be some interesting and tasty results.
Yes! The GOAT is of this challenge is undoubtedly Three Rivers Homestead -- mother of nine, using mostly pantry items that she and her family grew, processed, and preserved themselves. I get tired just thinking of her daily to-do's.
Great idea to test our dependency on grocery stores.
This is a great idea, thanks mommies! Am moving house in the next few weeks and feeling v inspired to try something similar in the new place. I know there are a few random things from abandoned southeast Asian-inspired meals in there, so there could be some interesting and tasty results.
Yes! The GOAT is of this challenge is undoubtedly Three Rivers Homestead -- mother of nine, using mostly pantry items that she and her family grew, processed, and preserved themselves. I get tired just thinking of her daily to-do's.